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Located within walking distance of Purdue University, Hills and Dales Historic District began development in the 1920’s. The Colonial Revival style is most prevalent, with quality examples of Craftsmen, Tudor Revival and French Eclectic architecture. This beautiful neighborhood is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and many homes within the neighborhood display plaques from the Wabash Valley Trust for Historic Preservation.

The Beginning

In the 1920’s, demand for housing around Purdue University was high, as was the need for a Football Stadium. Purdue alum, trustee, and benefactor David Ross knew that in order for Purdue football to be competitive with other universities, they would have to build a football stadium…

Wabash Valley Trust Historic Preservation Homes

The Wabash Valley Trust for Historic Preservation has given several plaques to homes in Hills and Dales. Further information is found on the Tour de Lafayette – West Lafayette Hills and Dales neighborhood page.

Samara House by Frank Lloyd Wright

Located in Hills and Dales Historic District, the 2,200 square-foot Samara was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 2015. The home affords national and international visitors of all ages the rare and immersive opportunity to experience Mr. Wright’s fully realized Usonian design.